Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Old Friend

OK, so the countdown is on and has been for a week or so, when I boldly declared "I'm done and ready to go home." I think the next three words are more obvious to most of you than me...Famous Last Words.
This has been a most idyllic situation from the beginning; control over everything that happens in my day from eating to exercise. No one to shop for, cook for and care for but myself. Now, I know you know that it hasnt been without its issues, but for the most part, it has been fairly straightforward to follow the plan.
Enter the reveal outfit. You know, the one they see you in the first time they lay eyes on the new you. Sassy and classy and making you shine. So, I spent all afternoon Sunday and part of the day on Monday looking for just the right outfit. After about 20 stores, at least double that in outfits, and finding out that I may have to wear the same size back home that I started with, you can be sure I had a visit from an old friend.
Emotional Eating and I go way back. We have been tight since middle school. Its been for the best really that we have been separated these last weeks. She had become a bit too overbearing. She called on Sunday and wanted to renew our relationship. I have to be honest and say I considered it. I mean, at least we were comfortable together and if my new friend Fitness isnt being a faithful friend, well...
Have you ever prayed that prayer, you know the one where you say to God, "Teach me, show me, grow me"? How many of you can honestly say He hasn't? A couple of weeks ago when things were rockin along and I knew I was coming to the end, I prayed that prayer and asked Him to work out anything else that needed to be dealt with. BAM! Right between the eyes! Just when I thought it was gonna be smooth sailing.
It has been a hard couple of days. Days of once again second guessing my methods and wrestling with the old me, days of anger and frustration. The whole thing made me so mad that I didnt even complain to Matt about the killer workout he gave me. I just did it harder and left my anger in the gym.
What? What was that about leaving it in the gym? YES! I realized when I left the gym yesterday that even though I was angry and frustrated about the situation that I had gotten through Sunday, Monday and Tuesday morning without eating anything I shouldnt have. The amazing thing is that the anger only made me want to work harder to overcome the situation. I decided then and there that I had to break up with Emotional Eating. I'm sure in the future she will try to get back together, but my new friend Fitness and I will be busy.
Oh, and even if I have to come home in the same outfit, the woman inside it will be different.


  1. AAAAAMMEENNNNNNNN!!!!!!!Can't wait to welcome home the new and renewed Joy! See you soon!

  2. Hi Joy,
    What an amazing journey for you!!

    What God is most interested in is a broken heart & the spirit that cries out to Him for everything. The 'inside' is where He wants to be - than the outside will get taken care of - just maybe not in the time frame you had hoped for.

    In His word He says: “Serve only the Lord your God. Respect him, keep his commands, and obey him.” Deuteronomy 13:4

    God is always faithful.

    Have a safe trip home.


    ps - glad to hear about your breakup with Emotional Eating - sounds like she was very demanding & not the best friend a girl could have !!

  3. Hey Joy!
    Just listened to part 2 of your radio interview. Thanks for sharing your journey and being an encouragement to everyone, including me!
    See you soon. Love, Sherri
