Monday, July 19, 2010

Weekly Weigh-In

For those of you holding your breath about my weigh-in this week, you can let it out.
Matt has asked me not to weigh until Thursday, our last session when he weighs and measures me. He wants me to be encouraged by a big number before I go home.
I have to be honest and say that I did cheat and stepped on the scale at my folks house this weekend. The temptation was too great! Without revealing too much, I can assure you it was less than the last time I was on the scale last Monday.
Now I have to confess to Matt...


  1. No matter what the scales reveal, it can't show what changes have been made on the inside. Your submission to the Lord and His will in all of this can only be measured by His scales. Obedience is lighter than self will. Proud of you no matter what!

  2. Hey Joy,
    I agree with Sherri - the changes you have made while on this journey will stay with you the rest of your life. God seeks our obedience and our faithfulness - that is what success look like to God. Your weight loss, muscle gain and new fitness are all a bonus in your closer walk with the Lord.

    Isiah 40 31 says; "Those who wait on the Lord...shall walk and not faint"

    Continue to wait on the Lord and walk with Him in obedience and faith and he will continue to pour out His blessings !!

    Stay strong and have a safe trip home.


  3. Joy,

    I just read through your entire blog in the past half hour... your dedication is Amazing!

    Though I did not know about your endeavors until last weekend (when I talked to Brian at the men's meeting at my dad's house), you have been on my heart since then. I cracked up when you talked about grunting in the back corner of a kick boxing class. Your honesty and desire to be transparent is refreshing.

    As I write this I'm looking across the room at a pink orchid by my window... I think from now on it will remind me of you. Not hiding - it stands beautiful, tall and strong for all to see. God bless the rest of your time! You go Girl! (I don't know if you remember but you used to say that to me all the time when I was in middle school)... You GO Girl!

    Beth Sutton
