Friday, August 20, 2010


For so many years I have done diets and been successful for a while, sometimes months, but every time I would slip back and fail. There is a part of me that still has that niggling thought in the back of my brain, "what if something happens and it doesn't last?"
I have been pondering the phrase "walking in Truth". What does that mean? I think it holds many connotations, but the one that has resonated with me is this: Jesus conquered sin. That's it. I don't have to do it for myself. Gluttony and idol worship (food) are sin. He has already won the battle for me. That's the Truth.
Walking in that Truth is having a confidence that my striving has ceased. I can be faithful every day, and I don't have to expect that I am going to slip back to my old ways.
Every day I see evidence of the inner fix. It's easy to be disciplined (if your anyone other than me!), but to see change that is a complete switch without having to struggle through it is only God. Up until this summer, my life has been about food and eating. All day and every day. Secret eating and binging. It always amplified when Brian had to be away.
When I came home from Arizona, within a few days, Brian had to be gone for a week. I was back to work, shuffling kids and trying to stick to a workout schedule. When Brian came home, we were out walking and he called me to account and asked if I had cheated while he was away. Wow. Way to cut to the chase. I had the most amazing experience as I answered his question. (OK, I am starting to well up) I realized that NOT ONCE had it even CROSSED my mind to cheat while he was gone. That realization has undoubtedly been one of the highlights of my Christian walk. I probably could have tried to remain disciplined on my own, but to realize that there had been a mental switch for me can only be attributed to God's work in me.
I don't have to wonder if I will fail. I just have to walk in God's Truth daily.

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