Friday, August 20, 2010


Let me preface this with a disclaimer. This blog entry is really intended for me. A place to look back and remind myself of what I need to do. You can do it, Joy! Don't be swayed!
I got a Facebook "event notice" yesterday about a 10K/5K race in November. At first I thought, "Why is she sending this to me? I'm not ready for this. I am not a runner." The more I thought about it though, it became kind of a challenge to me. I could do this. Could I do this?
It stayed in my mind all day. When I was done working out with weights at the gym, I headed outside to do some walking and running. As I started down the road, I could not get that event out of my mind. I decided I was gonna see what I had in me. I asked God to help me find a pace that would allow me endurance so that I could see how far I could go. Then I started to run. And I ran. And I ran. Now, when I say how far I went, some people might wonder what the big deal is. Before then, I had pushed myself to run for a three minute stretch before I had to walk. This time, I just let go (and let God :) ). I ran .4, walked for about 30 seconds and ran another .35. 3/4 of a mile! Now, I am not quite at a 6 minute mile. In fact, I am not even at a 15 minute mile. But I was so proud of myself. It was an amazing start.
So, I plan to at least do the 5K and if I get gutsy enough I might run the 10K. November is a few months away and I feel confident that even if I have to walk some, I could do it.
So Joy, when you read this in a month or so, don't waiver. Push through. Run the race and finish strong!


For so many years I have done diets and been successful for a while, sometimes months, but every time I would slip back and fail. There is a part of me that still has that niggling thought in the back of my brain, "what if something happens and it doesn't last?"
I have been pondering the phrase "walking in Truth". What does that mean? I think it holds many connotations, but the one that has resonated with me is this: Jesus conquered sin. That's it. I don't have to do it for myself. Gluttony and idol worship (food) are sin. He has already won the battle for me. That's the Truth.
Walking in that Truth is having a confidence that my striving has ceased. I can be faithful every day, and I don't have to expect that I am going to slip back to my old ways.
Every day I see evidence of the inner fix. It's easy to be disciplined (if your anyone other than me!), but to see change that is a complete switch without having to struggle through it is only God. Up until this summer, my life has been about food and eating. All day and every day. Secret eating and binging. It always amplified when Brian had to be away.
When I came home from Arizona, within a few days, Brian had to be gone for a week. I was back to work, shuffling kids and trying to stick to a workout schedule. When Brian came home, we were out walking and he called me to account and asked if I had cheated while he was away. Wow. Way to cut to the chase. I had the most amazing experience as I answered his question. (OK, I am starting to well up) I realized that NOT ONCE had it even CROSSED my mind to cheat while he was gone. That realization has undoubtedly been one of the highlights of my Christian walk. I probably could have tried to remain disciplined on my own, but to realize that there had been a mental switch for me can only be attributed to God's work in me.
I don't have to wonder if I will fail. I just have to walk in God's Truth daily.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Settling In

How wonderful to be home! I really did miss my family. Two months is a long time. Although my time away from my family doesnt even come close, I have a newfound appreciation for military families and the sacrifice they make every day. Even though I was away, I still had the luxury of picking up the phone any time I wanted to talk to my family. My heart goes out to Brian's sister Kimberly and her husband Chad. They are only in the middle of six months apart while Kimberly serves in Afganistan.
Coming back to reality is, well...reality. Schedules and work, shopping and cooking, laundry and cleaning. You know the drill. Thankfully I had a plan in place for the first week before I even stepped off the plane. If I didnt, it would have been easy to waffle and flake (frosted that is!)- two things that are definately NOT on the current menu!
I am happy to report that with only a few minor glitches, I have exercised every day and continued to stick to my eating. I think that the biggest thing I have seen is that I have to make the exercise a priority. Not in a selfish, self-centered kind of way, but an "I love my family so much I have to take care of myself" way.
So far so good in the support from the fam. The only groans I have heard are the ones from my husband and son when I put them through my workout and the slight grumbling about there being "nothing to eat in this house". I did strike a bit of a bargain and declared one night a week Treat Night. Took the fam to the local treat joint and gave them money to go in without me to purchase a single-serve treat.

So far, so good. Gotta keep pluggin away.