Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pluggin Away

Its been a different week. Dale has been gone all week and will be gone again most of this week. I have been alone a lot this past week. Most of my interaction is usually with him.
Discipline is still the main focus. I am proud to say that in the last three weeks, I have not veered from the eating or exercise. I realized yesterday, that I have not had fast food in the weeks I have been here. WOW! For me, that's huge. I am starting to get the itch. Not so much of a desire for that food, but I think more of a withdrawl from that habbit. Not that I have acted on it, mind you! I did buy a kashi pizza that is in the freezer if I get really, REALLY desperate. Its actually legal on my eating so that's a good thing.
My trainer, Matt, asked me to bring in my food journal so he could see if there was anything he would tweak since I really didn't lose any weight last week. I was encouraged when he looked at it and said that there wasn't a whole lot he would change. Only two things he mentioned: not to have eggs every morning (his concern was mostly the cholesterol, which has not been an issue for me in the past), and to keep the "bready" carbs in the first half of the day. For those of you interested, when you work out (with weights especially), your body burns off the carbs first. Once you burn them off, your body starts to burn the fat.
I kind of mixed up my workouts this week, adding more stuff in the pool. I have started doing the swim aerobics at the gym every morning and stay in the pool after to run laps. Sound easy? Remember when your kids were little and they wanted to sit on your foot while you walked across the room? Try doing that for 40 minutes! I wish I could wear my bodybugg in the pool so I would know how many calories that burns.
I was able to spend some time on Friday evening with some old friends. Had dinner at their house (cleared the menu first !) It was fun to catch up and enjoy some good fellowship. I have plans to do a girl night with some of the girls from my folks church, which I have been attending. I think we will go to the movies on Wednesday.
Oh, something of interest. I am going to be interviewed on the Family Life Radio show Intentional Living. I think the interview will be on Tuesday and will air on Wednesday. If you want to catch it, you can go to the website. I think I saw that you can listen online. I will let you know more details and how it goes after the interview.


  1. Joy ~ I'm so proud of your accomplishments so far. I just got all caught up on your progress. Keep pressing are developing a whole new lifestyle and one that will payoff for that sacred temple God has given you to take care of. You will continue to be in my prayers. Looking forward to spending next week with Kaelyn. Hang in there and keep your eyes focused on the prize....

  2. Hi Joy,
    You keep on keepin' on !!
    Discipline is the key to being successful in anything and you are developing that discipline. It is apparent in your approach & attitude on this journey. You are doing a great job.
    The interview sounds awesome; I am sure you will do a great job.
    Enjoy the week & stay strong !


  3. "Wonder Woman", Goliath has nothing on you!

  4. Hi Joy!
    Just heard your interview on Intentional Living. Great job! I'm so thankful that you didn't give up after the show turned you down. Dr Randy talked about doing one thing and that leads to other 'one things'. Just keep that perspective as you do each 'one thing' at a time. It takes years to get to where we are in life and more than 8 weeks to change them. Just give yourself time. Happy 4th of July Joy! Love you, Sherri
